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Reduce top customer effort drivers

Measuring Customer Effort

We recently discussed why high-impact CX needs high-impact measurement that clearly supports CX goals. This post focuses on measuring customer effort.

The Customer Feedback You Already Have

Customer feedback is the lifeblood of CX. Without it, CX teams can’t measure the quality of their experience and have no compass to help them improve it....

What's in a Health Score?

If you’re reading this, you probably know that a customer health score is a composite data point assigned to individual customers to summarize relationsh...

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7 Things You Need To Know About Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis has become quite the buzzword in the CX community, and with good reason. It’s never been more important to understand customer sentime...

Stop Throwing Away Organic Customer Feedback

Stop throwing away organic customer feedback.

Tackling the Three-Headed CX Monster

The three-headed CX monster plagues CX leaders with three core problems — siloes, dark data, and the “too-hard” pile. According to Deloitte, customer fee...

The Customer Feedback Stack: Part III

This is the final post in a three-part series about assembling your customer feedback stack so that you can take action faster and more effectively than ...

The Customer Feedback Stack: Part II

This post is the second in a three-part series about assembling your customer feedback stack so that you can take action faster and more effectively than...

The Customer Feedback Stack: Part I

This post is the first in a three-part series about assembling your customer feedback stack so that you can take action faster and more effectively than ...