Last year, John Oliver devoted a whole show to AI, careening from genial jokes about genAI (ChatGPT raps about cats, the death of high school English, etc.) to somber explications of AI’s potential to spread misinformation and hurt the underprivileged while benefiting the powerful.
“AI is ultimately a mirror,” Oliver concludes at the end of the segment, “and it will reflect back exactly who we are, from the best of us to the worst of us.” We agree. As we noted in our recent blog post on another late-night Jo(h)n’s AI-themed monologue (seems we’re developing a niche…), AI is a tool, one that must be used responsibly and democratically.
Oliver’s segment was a little bit AI 101, but what it really got us thinking about is how confusing AI can be. This is true for everyday people, of course, but it hits differently for business owners. There’s endless talk these days about “AI strategies,” how to be “AI-forward” and the extent to which so-and-so is “AI-enabled.” There’s so much pressure to stay ahead of the “AI curve,” even as many companies are struggling to stay afloat at all in a perpetually uncertain macroeconomic climate.
Business leaders are doing their best. Pretty much every CEO in the world (that is: 73 percent according to a recent Gartner survey) plans to increase AI investment in the coming year. But many CEOs don’t know exactly what to do with that money. According to a Deloitte survey, only 40 percent of companies have an actual AI strategy in place.
Depending on your business’s specific needs and goals, there are many ways to approach AI. In the end, your AI strategy should serve your business strategy. Again, AI is not a panacea but one of many available tools. That said, employing AI in an informed, deliberate manner is key to surviving and thriving in today’s increasingly competitive landscape.
At Frame AI, our goal is to help businesses increase customer value and decrease operational costs by integrating AI seamlessly across all business functions, to support your larger strategy. Here’s how we do it.
Unlock dormant data.
Any business on the internet has gobs of unused unstructured data—think surveys, emails, social media posts, photos, and documents. This unstructured data comprises a good 80 percent of what enterprises capture every day, and for many businesses, it’s barely being touched. Frame AI translates this data into real, proactive insights that streamline operations and inform decision-making.
We have used Frame AI to implement maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Tailor AI to your business.
While AI tools within SaaS products can be super helpful for saving time, they can’t move your business strategy forward. Investing in Frame AI means investing once in a central AI platform that provides critical context about your business and can be deployed across many different applications—avoiding duplicating efforts and averting pitfalls common with more generic AI solutions.
Amplify existing processes and tools.
Frame AI is different from most AI tools, which require users to ask questions in order to get answers at a set moment in time. Our platform is always on and always querying customer data according to your teams’ and business’s specific objectives to ensure you’re informed about risks and opportunities.
Using AI to create not-actually-all-that-funny rap videos and/or cheating on your senior English final exam is, as it turns out, actually pretty easy. Harnessing AI thoughtfully to advance your business strategy? Definitely a little harder. But far from impossible, and Frame AI can help. Request a demo here.